Coaching services Uusimaa

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Independent job search and career coaching in Uusimaa.

Welcome to our online coaching services for job search and career development! Whether you’re looking to improve your job search skills or need help with job applications, our coaching services are designed to inspire and guide you.

In our programs, you’ll discover how to effectively use various job search methods, gain clarity on your career options, and promote your skills to potential employers.

Join us now and take the first step towards achieving your career aspirations in Finland!

Benefits of Online Coaching Services

Our coaching services offer you the flexibility to work at your own pace and at a time that suits your schedule during the program. You can improve your skills on an easy-to-use learning platform where you can spend your time on topics that matter most to you. Take advantage of the convenience and flexibility of online learning, while investing in your professional development in Finland.

Individual support

You’ll work independently, but not alone: Our experienced career coaches are available to support you on the coaching platform, as well as through chat, phone calls, or video calls, depending on your needs. You can access coaching support from our team on weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm.

Who is the coaching for?

The coaching program is open to anyone who is currently registered as a job seeker with Uudenmaan TE-toimisto or the local government trial. Other than that, all you need is the desire to learn, basic online skills and access to the necessary tools for working online.

Our services for job seekers in Uusimaa

Online job search coaching

Duration: 3 consecutive weekdays.

Our online job search coaching provides you with the necessary skills and tools to succeed in your job search.

Online career coaching

Duration: 10 consecutive work days

Online career coaching helps you clarify your career options and develop your job search skills. You’ll complete the coaching with optimized job application documents, such as your CV and cover letter for the Finnish work market. You’ll come out of the coachings with an actionable plan for your job search.

Sign up for coaching

Siirryt hallinnoimalle ilmoittautumislomakkeelle. Muista valita haluamasi verkkovalmennuspalvelu (Työnhakuvalmennus/Uravalmennus) lomakkeesta.

You’ll be directed to the registration form on the TE Services website. Be sure to select your desired online coaching service (Job search coaching online services/Online career coaching) on the form.

Information on our coaching programs

Anyone registered as a job seeker at the TE services or employment municipality trials can join for free. Get online support that fits your schedule to figure out your next career steps and develop your job applications skills.

All you need is a registration as a job seeker, working internet connection and basic skills necessary to navigate an online platform.

Our online coaching is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.

The online coaching path is designed to guide you towards informed career decisions with dedicated materials and reflection tasks. You’ll come out of it with optimized application materials, a clear strategy and dedicated roadmap for your career aspirations.

The online modality allows you to work on the coaching when your schedule allows, while milestones ensure your progress and keep you on track. You’ll work independently, but not alone: Our experienced coaches provide you with expert feedback on your application materials and are available on weekdays between 8-3 p.m. for technical and support questions.

Sign up for the coaching every Monday and Wednesday!

The online job search coaching is an intensive three-day course focused on updating job-seeking skills. During the coaching, participants will learn what makes a good CV and cover letter for job applications. This coaching provides additional confidence for job searching by answering questions such as: What is a cover letter in a job application? How to start a job application? How to write a job application? What to say about yourself in a job interview? And how to prepare for a job interview?

Find more information here: Online job search coaching

Our online career coaching is a ten-day or two-week intensive package for planning your career. The coaching provides support for making informed decisions about your next career steps in Finland. It will provide the tools and information you need to navigate the Finnish working world, discover your options and map out your employment strategy, including study programs or entrepreneurship. You’ll come out of the coaching with a clear roadmap and optimized application materials to set you up for success on the Finnish job market.

Check out details here: Online career coaching


Online job search coaching (3 days) starts twice a week and you can start on either Monday or Wednesday. Online career coaching (10 days) always starts on Mondays.

Registration is open on a non-stop basis, and when you sign up, you can choose when to start the coaching.

Registration for coaching is done via an online form (application form) or by submitting a contact request through the TE services’ Own Service online portal. Before the coaching begins, you will receive instructions on how to log in to the online environment via email.

You’ll learn to sell your skills on the jobmarket with a focus on the employer’s needs. The coaching provides the opportunity to create or optimize real life application materials with the feedback of experienced coaches to fulfill your job search obligation.

Online job search and career coaching in Uusimaa are employment services, which means that the coaching is free of charge for participants. It is also possible to receive a daily allowance of 9 euros from your unemployment benefit provider for attending the coaching sessions.

Open the chat to get quick answers to your questions Mon-Thur 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

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