Online career coaching (Service ended)

Uravalmennus, Verkkovalmennus



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  7. Online career coaching (Service ended)


Take your next step towards a new job, developing your skillset or study programs with our online coaching!

Our two week online career coaching (10 consecutive working days) serves as a compass that helps you map out your next career steps and navigate the Finnish working world. Discover your options and develop your application skills online.

Use the coaching materials and complete tasks at your own pace, at the times that suit you best during the two-week coaching period. Milestones along the way help you structure your work and stay on track.

The coaching platform’s training materials and self-reflection tasks will guide you towards your preferred career choices step by step, whether it be job search, entrepreneurship, or education.

You’ll come out of the coaching with optimized application materials (resume and cover letter) with the expert feedback of our experienced career coaches and an actionable plan for your job search.

The coaching doesn’t involve any scheduled meetings or briefings at specific times. On the morning of the first day, you’ll receive a link to the coaching platform via email and can start working right away. You’ll complete the coaching program independently over three days, using the clear instructions provided on the platform. If you wish, you can get personalized support or technical assistance from a coach on weekdays from 9 am to 3 pm, via the platform, chat, video or phone.

You can participate in the coaching in Finnish, Swedish or English. The coaching is available for all TE Office and Municipal Employment Experiment clients in Uusimaa.

Remember that you may be eligible for unemployment benefits during the coaching.

Map out your next steps

Get support and tools for informed decision-making in regards to your professional future in Finland.

Discover your options

Learn about current trends in the Finnish job market, strategic career planning and educational opportunities.

Boost Your Job Search Efficiency

Find out how to create a convincing CV and receive useful tips for crafting your cover letter or optimize your application documents for the Finnish working market. You’ll come out of this coaching with an actionable plan.

Online career coaching

Duration: 10 consecutive working day

The goal of the online career coaching service is to clarify the job seeker’s career options, increase knowledge to support career planning and education, and develop job seeking skills.

The contents of the coaching program include:

Reflecting on yourself:

  • How your lifepath makes you unique
  • Determining your motivation, defining your skillset and acknowledging your strengths

Choosing a direction:

  • Getting clear on your career vision, setting realistic goals and strategic job search
  • Selling your skillset on the jobmarket

Honing your job search tools:

  • Job search channels and tools
  • Fine-tuning your resume, crafting a convincing cover letter and succeeding in an interview

Finding ways into the job market:

  • Entrepreneurship and education
  • Current trends and the future of work
  • Supercharging your job search with social media

What our customers think:

Sign up for the coaching

You will be redirected to the registration form managed by TE Services. Remember to select the online coaching service you want (Online career coaching) on the form.

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Jarkko Autero

Aluevastaava, Työnhakuvalmentaja, Uravalmentaja

Uudenmaan aluevastaava

Kalle-Aleksi Nissinen

Työnhakuvalmentaja, Uravalmentaja

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